Sunday, April 04, 2010

It's been a busy Easter day, cooking a lemon meringue pie, working on a new tumblr that is going to supplant my previous site.  From to is a big change and hopefully a good one.  My main reason for this switch is that I got sick of paying yahoo's fees, and while their software was useful, with the advent of bigger screen sizes and whatnot, the site had begun to look a bit out of date.

I've spent the last few days maniacally working on the site, so that I can get it in shape before the switchover.  Hopefully I can keep the domain name and just reroute.

It has indeed been a learning process, as with any new platform.  But I'm fairly pleased with the results.  There are still a few kinks to be worked out what with spacing and the every-obsessional task of choosing the perfect theme.

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