Saturday, October 18, 2008

1890s 1980s 2000s
corsets spandex spanx 2.0
stereopticons viewmasters imax
early silent films VHS youtube
Charcot's hysteria heavy metal hysteria evangelical christianity
absinthe goldshlager cosmopolitans
? 1960s 1980s
utopian fantasies john hughes/breakfast club moulin rouge
? me decade indie
bustle shoulder pads breast implants
corsets 18hr bra thong
millential hysteria reagonomics millenial hysteria
proto-industrialization trickle-down apocalypse
immigration cuba/homogenization immigration
corsets! superglue social networking
ouija board connect-4/battleship scamble
moustaches and wigs burt renolds moustache waxing/shaving
mutton-chop jason priestly sideburns flatiron
bohmenian punk emo
lead powder blue eye shadow smokey eye
beauty mark beauty mark moles
cravate/high collars bustier iron t-shirts
cunningly torn rags thrift vintage
letters rotary cell phone
telegram fax email
circus madonna britney spears
early musical theatre broadway musical to film
slapstick excess irony
asylum psych ward the streets, baby
hair long in bun mowhawk/big bob/straight
leeches denial/tylenol prozac
tuburculosis AIDS breats cancer
la boheme rent wicked
baudelaire bret easton ellis david foster wallace

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