All of this anxious paranoia came to a head on Saturday, after a really lovely week of perhaps-manic partying and the like:
Monday: Bunny funeral, sadness and vodka.
Tuesday: Stephen and I went to wildness, met some nice people and danced, it ended up surprisingly fun.
Wednesday: Cozy times with Katie
Friday: Woke up with a nasty cold sore, but then Jonathan came to visit, we hung out with him and Rob and Stephen, did tarot readings, ate pupusas, had a lovely day into the evening, when Stephen's friend Mario came over and we all did interpretive dancing in the kitchen.
Whew. I am not usually quite this social. Problem is, somewhere along this lovely trail of amusing funtimes, I ran out of ativan/lorazepam. Took the last one on Friday, and work up Saturday with an ungodly case of the withdrawals.
So, no make-up, just a bloody pusing cold sore (lovely!). I work up early after a restless sleep, rife with nightmares of voices outside, the police stalking me, my creditors investigating me, my parents, even, whom I know are way too busy to stand outside my bedroom window.
Looking for the camera, looking for the camera.
And then...the withdrawals began to escalate. I had chills, shaking, shaking so hard I thought I was heading into another seizure. Voices whispering watching. I kept throwing up first coffee, then bile, then water, then mucous, more bile, forget eating anything today.
Katie woke up and we decided I should go to the ER. This is the sort of decision I had been fearing for along time, because I fear being locked up in the psych ward again, of course, and I'm not so keen on the huge bills.
But, ativan withdrawals can be fatal, and I knew my immune system was way down.
The hospital ended up being not that bad, not at all as bad as I had anticipated and feared. There was no one else in the Emergency Room except for an old couple and a young women crying hysterically into a salad bowl. I got in fairly quickly, and after telling my story several times, showing them my prescription bottles and
talking to a social worker who thought the cold sore indicated domestic abuse....soon I was sitting there on the stretcher with a pill of subcutanious ativan dissolving under my tongue.
All the jitters and the voices and the seizure-fear shaking gushed into a warm pile of loopy-loos. I felt normal again. I felt happy and silly and calm. Soon Katie and I were joking about what the devices on the wall must be for, and all was well.
Now it's Monday, and time to think and work again, if I can. I'm on my third cup of coffee, and it must stop here, I think, no more caffeine. Katie-dear is still sleeping. I have been thinking about what I can do to not feed the paranoid anxiety, and that means:
- not going to things like the Psychiatry Museum of Death
- not researching surveillance and especially not on dubious internet sources
- not rereading The Peep Diaries
, as much as I would like to
- taking one mg in the morning and one at night, as opposed to both in the am.
- Stop looking for the cameras. Sure, they're there, there were several in the ER, even in the room I was in, but it just validates the paranoia to keep spotting them.
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