Sunday, March 07, 2010

Blogger's block?  Really?  This is part and parcel of over-thinking things, methinks.  Last night I regretfully missed the Mommy Mommy reading, but ended the evening making cinammon buns.  Trying to write as usual, amid a flurry of time-wasting activities.  I started a livejournal on Katie's urgings, but after the initial fun of setup I've returned to the good old faithful blog.

Ways in which I waste time:
    Meet the Ladies of Charm School
  1. pacing
  2. arguing about things on my support group website
  3. dithering about format vs. generating content
  4. watching charm school reruns
  5. housework (this is not actually a waste, more of a distraction)
  6. looking at trashy gossip blogs like dlisted.
  7. staring into space
Wow, this list could really go on for quite a while. Filling in units of space with letters, numbers.  The heat is on finally, filling the room with soft buzzing.

{takes nap}


In sleep, projects take shape.  I wake up and they are gone.  Outside the freeway runs, the lake shimmers, palm trees wait.

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