Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dusting the old blog off once again

Have I forgotten to blog for a year and a half? OMG I did. Nothing for 2015.

Well, since July 2014 a lot has happened. I've been on Agent Query a lot and it tells me blogging is important for writers, so I figure I'll dust off the old blog and get back to it.

It's crazy to think that I started this blog in 2006 when I was writing JET SET DESOLATE but hadn't gone to grad school or had it published yet. This blog covers a lot of time, although it is not always regularly updated. I'll try to be better about it, if anyone is reading this. All the social media is helpful to my writer platform. Why not do this every once in a while?

At this point since July's Camp NaNoWriMo when I last blogged, I have a new draft of SCAFFOLDING that's currently shelved. SCAFFOLDING is an autobiographical fantasy about bipolar disorder in nineties Portland. I have worked on two other manuscripts that are also currently shelved. They are ANGELICA AT THE SERRANO, a memoir about addiction and recovery in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and KATIE RISING, a memoir about my relationship with my dead wife, Katie Jacobson.

What I'm working on right now is a memoir called DIARY OF A HOLLYWOOD HEDGEWITCH. A widowed, mentally ill queer witch searches for love and sobriety from a fabulous Hollywood address. I wrote this in spring 2015 and am currently cutting 20,000 words and revising the manuscript before querying another agent.

I'm also working one an ongoing growing poetry manuscript called BLEED ALMOND. I sent it out to fifteen contests with publication as the prize. This is apparently how you get a poetry manuscript published on a small press. Every time I write a new poem I add to it.

I'm still sober. I have 2 years sober from alcohol. Medical marijuana has been a godsend and has helped me stay sober, along with yoga, meditation, and willpower. I'm totes done with AA. Sorry not sorry. It's just too much of a cult. Part of the journey, part of the journey.

Here's a rundown of what I've published online since I last blogged, in case you are interested:
I've been so busy publishing personal essays online that I haven't taken time to blog. But the blog is back on. Always good to have more social media in my arsenal.

Also, in case you care, I've totes revised my website. Here it is:

Happy reading! Thanks for listening!

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