Euphemisms for clothes-changing disorder
- narcissism
- indecisiveness
- desire to be utmost prepared for any given situation
whimsical disorders
- clothes-changing
- circular logic
- making everything self-referential
- compulsive need to alphabetize things
- inadvertent lowercasing
things we've thrown away that we wish we hadn't
- tapes
- clothing
- love - esp, wtf of dumping guy who gave me stuffed animal from carnival when I was 18.
- zine box
- my ego
- hope!
- my innocence!
- a chance at a normal life
evil/friendly yet still nefarious plots
- put on haunted house record
at random times
- let rats loose with mate...rat summer of love
- nasty rumors
- mcgyver
-esque machinery
- surprise haircut
- surprise laundry throwing
- squawk. with box
- make someone think they are shrinking
- chemistry experiment gone "wrong"
- stealing punchlines relentlessly
- inconvenient dyslexia
- convince someone they are turning emo
- fake prom queen, with or without pigs blood
- gigantic Disney
phantasmical show aimed at pointing out someone's flaws
- taking hostages
- taking the three of clubs, the seven of spades, and blackjack
- stealing all of someone's shoes
- serving someone a meal that is not what you say it is, but is actually poison, something they're allergic to, and/or human.
- making someone play soccer
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