It's a quiet day after a storm of activity. Jaimie and his boyfriend came to visit on their way to Disneyland
Is the cable guy always awkward, I think so. I moved my computer to the Treehouse (tweehouse?), and am currently realizing how ridiculously internet-dependent I am. Between that and VH1, it's pathetic, really. But it's that transition period, when the house is stripped of color and glee, and we sit drinking cheap vodka and looking at the blank walls. That sounds much more depressing than it actually was.
Other realizations: Los Angeles is a beautiful place, wow! Today the sun came out and the sandbags around the french doors were bleeding rain. I felt like running around Silverlake for the brief week we're still here: moving day slated for Saturday.
Moving from the past to present tense. Tasks for the day: make mole, watch Rock of Love
I am so excited about my love and I getting wed. We have been researching California domestic partnerships and the fact that gay marriage is actually a possibility is wonderful. I feel happy and lucky to be living in this time.
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